Is Kevin Federline the 5th Time father? Its usually so slim girlfriend, ex-volleyball Victoria Prince, has recently been a little tummy. From outward impression of her she might be pregnant. Or has it infected about Kevin and his weakness for fast food? That would also be conceivable.
For an early pregnancy speaks, however, that Victoria tried to hide her body behind a shopping center quickly bag, as our photographer turned his camera from a subsidiary of K Mart in Los Angeles on her.
STAFF KFW:sorry for English not perfect
Kevin Federline sarà padre x la quinta volta???La sua fidanzata,ex-professionista di pallavolo Victoria Prince,è stata recentemente vista cn un bel po di pancia..Da l'impressione che potrebbe essere incinta,oppure Kevin l'ha contagiata sulla sua debolezza per il fast food?sarebbe anche possibile..
Tuttavia,Victoria ha cercato di nascondere il suo corpo vicino un centro commerciale di fretta cn una borsa della spesa,eccovi le foto davanti a una filiale di K Mart a Los Angeles.
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