giovedì 16 agosto 2012

Kevin Federline Takes His Boys Out For A Haircut

Source:celebritybabyscoop and babyrazzi

Kevin was spotted taking his two boys, Sean Preston and Jayden James to a local barber shop to get their hair cuts in Santa Monica, Calif. on Wednesday afternoon. Kevin’s girlfriend Victoria Prince along with the couple’s daughter Jordan were also on hand to see the boys get their hair cuts.

Kevin Federline prende i suoi ragazzi e li porta fuori per un nuovo taglio di capelli
Kevin è stato avvistato in giro mentre porta i suoi due figli, Sean Preston e Jayden James da un barbiere  per un nuovo taglio di capelli a Santa Monica, in California Mercoledì pomeriggio.La Fidanzata Victoria era insieme con  loro e con la figlia Jordan..

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