mercoledì 31 marzo 2010

K-Fed's Chick -- Tiger Bait

She may be with Kevin Federline ... but it's clear Victoria Prince knows she could go a few rounds with a much more talented golfer ...


Victoria meriterebbe uno sfidante piu talentuoso cosi si divertirebbe di piu..

martedì 30 marzo 2010

Download Celebrity Fit Club 7 Boot Camp Episode 8

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Celebrity Fit Club 7: Boot Camp Episodes 8


Kevin Federline On The BonnieHuntt Show



K-Fed on Loving and Losing Britney Spears (VIDEO) - Inside TV

What's it like to get divorced from one of the most famous women in the world? Kevin Federline, former husband of Britney Spears and current star of 'Celebrity Fit Club,' discussed his relationship with Ms. Spears on 'The Bonnie Hunt Show' (weekdays, syndicated). Federline talked about his relationships with both Spears and with actress Shar Jackson. According to K-Fed, he is still infatuated with both women. "I mean, I -- still, to this day -- I love them both." Talking about the criticism that he faced after his divorce from Spears, Federline said this: "Everything that was said about me ... I could always put it on the back-burner, because I know how I felt inside about [Britney]."


Com'è divorziare da una delle donne più famose del mondo? Kevin Federline, ex marito di Britney Spears e attuale stella discussa di 'Celebrity Fit Club,'parla della sua relazione con la signorina Spears a 'La Bonnie Hunt Show' Federline ha parlato del suo rapporto con entrambi Spears e con l'attrice Shar Jackson.K-Fed, è ancora infatuato di quelle donne. "Voglio dire,- io le amo entrambi." Parlando poi delle critiche che ha dovuto affrontare dopo il suo divorzio da Britney, Federline ha detto questo: "Tutto ciò che è stato detto su di me ... potrei sempre metterlo in secondo piano dietro, perché so come mi sentivo dentro"

'Britney divorce made me fat' claims K-Fed

Rapper Kevin Federline says divorcing Britney Spears made him fat.
The 32-year-old rapper has blamed his excessive weight gain on his split from the troubled pop princess.
Federline revealed how he sank into depression and became a couch potato, drinking up to 24 cans of fizzy drinks a day.
“Anybody who goes through a divorce is obviously going to be depressed,” he told US talk show host Bonnie Hunt.
“Everybody saw how I got divorced, it just wasn't a good situation for me. It was tough to watch a person that you love go through all the things she was going through.
“That was just the beginning of it. I hit 30-years-old, I stopped dancing, I hadn't been dancing for years, I started eating, I'm sitting around on the couch playing with the kids here and there, getting lazier and lazier and getting fatter and fatter and fatter.”
Federline, who is currently trying to lose weight on American reality show Celebrity Fit Club: Boot Camp, said his love for Spears - his wife from 2004 to 2006 - stopped him taking notice of his critics in the press, who claimed he was riding on the coat tails of her fame.


Il rapper Kevin Federline,parla del divorzio cn Britney Spears che lo ha reso grasso.
Il rapper 32enne,ha accusato il suo guadagno di peso per la sua separazione dalla principessa pop che lo ha turbato.
Federline ha rivelato come cadde in depressione e divenne un sacco di patate, beveva fino a 24 lattine di bevande gassate al giorno.
"Chiunque passa attraverso un divorzio,e ovviamente, sta per diventare depresso", ha detto in un talk show statunitense.
"Tutti hanno visto come ho divorziato, semplicemente non era una bella situazione per me. E 'stata dura guardare la persona che ami passare attraverso tutte le cose che anke io stavo attraversando.
"Questo è solo l'inizio. Mi ha colpito a 30 anni di età, ho smesso di ballare, non ho ballato per anni, ho cominciato a mangiare, mi sono seduto sul divano in giro giocando con i bambini qua e là, sempre più pigro e più pigro e sempre più grasso e più grasso e più grasso ".
Federline, che attualmente sta cercando di perdere peso su un reality show Celebrity Fit Club: Boot Camp, ha dichiarato il suo amore per Britney - sua moglie dal 2004-2006 - hanno smesso i critici di parlare male di lui,che sostenevano stesse cavalcando il capolinea della sua fama.

Celebrity Fit Club: Boot Camp Recap - Episode 8 - 7 Things We Loved About This Week’s Show

Indeed, Bobby. Sadly, this probably won’t be the last time, either.
The first thing we loved this week?
- The Crucible challenge involved a metal detector.

It was like Grandpa came down from heaven and resumed searching for worthless and near-worthless coins all over again. Memories!
- Tanisha’s complaining finally was justified.

On the way to camp during the Crucible challenge, she fell to the ground and stayed there (her team didn’t so much as exert the neck-muscle strength to turn around and see her struggle). At first, it seemed like more of Tanisha being Tanisha, which is probably part of the reason why her team was so unconcerned. But then, it turned out that a medical professional corroborated her story:

Her pain was real and so was the ambulance they took her away in. Also real was the treatment:

While the meds probably didn’t make all this worth it, per se (it really sucks that she’s going to miss out on the re-running of the Punisher in next week’s finale), they probably did their share to help.
- Nicole’s fighting spirit.

Not only was this scene littered with her F-bombs, but so was the scene in which Harvey woke everyone up at 3 am to clean up their makeshift camps and make their way back to base camp. When the Red Team made it back with lighting speed, only to find that they didn’t have their tent, they met the Blue Team on their way back and Nicole told Kaycee (who was carrying their tent), “Surrender the tent. F*** you!”

For the record, Red Team won both of these challenges. The F-bombs could really be their secret. They may run on F-fuel. That’s just a guess, though.
(No props to Kaycee for snitching about the latter F-bomb during panel.)
- Alcohol altruism.
After the Crucible challenge, the celebs found themselves at camp with nothing to do, so Sebastian did everyone a huge favor and hauled ass back to base camp for some party enhancements.

That turned the frowns upside down right quick.

You know what it also turned upside down? Bobby’s stomach.

As they went through an animal-impersonating boot camp, Bobby dribble-puked and then…

…projectile puked. “You puked more this morning than a shipload of marines in the Philippines coming off of Liberty,” Harvey later told him at panel. Bobby tried to shrug it away by saying they all had a glass. When it was clear that Harvey was not having that, Bobby elaborated: “When I say glass, I mean a bottle. That is glass.” He always was a master wordsmith, that Bobby. Too hot to handle, too cold to hold, indeed.
- The aforementioned animal-invoking challenge.

The celebs were made to crawl like alligators, slither like snakes and do something we didn’t see called monkey f***. Best of all was the cockroach move…

It was like an unofficial direct-to-TV sequel to Mimic. Perfectly appropriate in every way!
- Kevin’s dramatic transformation.
I know that they’re going to do side-to-side comparisons next week to show you just how much weight these celebs have lost, but K-Fed’s change per his first interview in this week’s show was striking:

On the left is a shot from Episode 1. On the right is a shot from this episode. If he became a boombox before our eyes, I wouldn’t be more amazed at this transforming powers. Truly amazing. Also: yay! Kevin Federline is hot again!
- The results.
Tanisha’s goal for the week was 5 lbs. – she lost 3.

Shar’s goal was 3 lbs. – she lost 2.

Kevin’s goal was 4 lbs. – he lost 6 lbs!

Bobby’s goal was 4 lbs. – he lost 2 lbs.

Sebastian’s goal was 4 lbs. – he lost all 4!

Nicole’s goal was 2 lbs. – she lost none.

Kaycee’s goal was 4 lbs. – she lost 5!

Jay’s goal was 4 lbs. – he lost 6.

That’s more weight this week than his whole team combined. It’s no surprise, then, that Red has lost its grip on the lead:

(Best reaction shot ever, y/y?)
But what may be a surprise, given his phenomenal success, is that Jay still isn’t leading in personal Fit Factor points…

Upon hearing this news, Jay wondered aloud what he’d have to do to succeed at this game. Then he announced that he’s getting a colonic. If he brings along the camera crew, we’re looking at one hell of a finale.


La prima cosa che abbiamo amato questa settimana?
- La sfida che ha coinvolto un metal detector.
E 'stato come nonno,che e disceso dal cielo,x riprende la ricerca di monete senza valore..
- Tanisha si lamentava ed era giustificata.
cadde a terra e vi rimase (la sua squadra nn ha fatto niente nemmeno girare la testa e vederla).In un primo momento, sembrava che Tanisha era solo stanca Ma poi, si è scoperto dal medico che ha confermato la caduta..
Il suo dolore era vero e così giunse l'ambulanza che la portò via..
Harvey ha svegliato tutti alle 3 del mattino per ripulire i loro campi e di arrivare in tempo al campo base. Quando la squadra rossa stava tornando in velocità,hanno incontrato i Blue Team sulla via del ritorno e Nicole ha detto Kaycee (che portava la tenda),F *** ti! "..
Per la cronaca,il Team rosso ha vinto entrambe le sfide..
Dopo la sfida, le celebrità si sono trovate al campo senza fare niente,così Sebastian ha fatto un favore a tutti e a trasportato al campo alcol.. Sapete cosa e successo allo stomaco di bobby??si e capovolto..Come sono andati in un campo di addestramento di polizia, Bobby a vomitato...
Vomitava a proiettile xk si e scolato una bottiglia di alcol mentre gli altri continuavano gli esercizi..strisciavano come alligatori, strisciavano come serpi e poi hanno fatto qualcosa che non ho mai visto chiamato scimmia f ***. Meglio di tutti è stata la mossa scarafaggio ...Kevin federline viene paragonato al primo episodio e la sua trasformazione e incredibile..
- I risultati.
Tanisha obiettivo della settimana era di 5 libbre. - Ha perso 3.
Shar obiettivo era di 3 libbre. - Ha perso 2.
gol di Kevin era di 4 libbre. - Ha perso 6!
Bobby gol era di 4 libbre. - Ha perso 2.
gol di Sebastian era di 4 libbre. - li ha persi tutti!
Nicole obiettivo era 2. -nn Ha perso nulla.
Kaycee obiettivo era di 4 libbre. - Ha perso 5!
obiettivo di Jay era di 4 libbre. - Ha perso 6.
Questo è il peso di questa settimana che la squadra rossa ha combinato. Non c'è da sorprendersi, allora, che hanno perso..
Jay non è piu il leader nel personale Fit Factor punti...
Appena appresa la notizia, Jay si chiedeva ad alta voce quello che avrebbe dovuto fare per riuscire a vincere in questo gioco.stiamo x guardare un inferno di finale.

domenica 28 marzo 2010

K-Fed Loses Custody ... of His Belly

A post "Celebrity Fit Club" Kevin Federline has come out swinging ... and thinner..

The 32-year-old father of two played golf in L.A. on Friday, looking much fitter than he did back in July of last year.


Nel corso di celebruty fit club kevin e venuto fuori piu sottile ecco il padre 32enne che gioca a golf venerdi molto piu magro da luglio scorso anno..

mercoledì 24 marzo 2010

Celebrity Fit Club’s Rhonda Britten: “It’s time for Kevin to start speaking out”

After discussing the group’s worst press on week seven of this season’s Celebrity Fit Club, the tension in the room between Kevin Federline and Shar Jackson could be cut with a knife. While the former Moesha actress lamented being left by then-boyfriend Kevin for Britney Spears, the dancer just laughed off the heavy topic. “The first week I met Kevin, I told him ‘You're not sharing who you are.’ It's time for him to start speaking out — he needs to say what's unsaid,” the VH1 weight-loss competition show’s life coach, Rhonda Britten, tells In Touch. Rhonda thinks it’s Kevin’s responsibility to publicly apologize to Shar for her lingering heartbreak due to their infamous 2004 split. “He left Shar in a lurch. The world thinks he abandoned her,” she adds. Though he is succeeding at dropping the pounds, will Kevin finally find the emotional strength to put the past behind him? Tune in next Monday, in what Rhonda promises to be a “big week” for the closed-off contestant. And check out Rhonda’s Fearless America tour, stopping in Las Vegas on March 25, Kingston, N.Y. on March 30, and New York City on March 31. To find out more, visit


Dopo aver discusso cn la stampa dei peggiori del gruppo di sette settimane di questa stagione Celebrity Fit Club, la tensione tra Kevin Federline e Shar Jackson potrebbe essere tagliata con un coltello. Mentre l'ex attrice si lamentava di essere stata lasciata da allora fidanzato di Britney Spears cioe Kevin ,il ballerino si è messo a ridere fuori tema pesantemente. "La prima settimana ho incontrato Kevin, gli ho detto 'Tu non sei cio che penso che sei." E' tempo di cominciare a parlare - ha bisogno di dire ciò che mi ha detto, "Rhonda pensa che Kevin deve pubblicamente chiedere scusa a Shar per il suo strazio prolungato a causa delle loro cose del 2004 "Ha lasciato Shar in uno scossone. Il mondo pensava che l'aveva abbandonata ", aggiunge. Se lui riesce a perdere libre,troverà la forza emotiva di lasciarsi il passato alle spalle?Sintonizzatevi Lunedi prossimo, in quello che Rhonda promette di essere una settimana "big" per la chiusura-off concorrente..

Celebrity Fit Club: Boot Camp Recap - Episode 7 - 10 Things We Loved About This Week’s Show

Some people (ahem, Bobbaaaay!) took that to superheroic extremes.
The first thing we loved about this episode?
- Mountains made out of molehills.

Almost everyone sniveled about Harvey’s track, which scaled up a hill and back down…

In fact, Tanisha even sobbed over it. A lot of good it did her, as she ended up in dead last place…

…as her team’s dead weight. Which brings us to our next item…
- Tanisha’s task.

When told that her dead-weight task was going to be transporting horse manure, Tanisha said, “I’m a diva, I don’t even clean up my own s***. You want me to clean up horses***?” That’s funny, and also…disconcerting. If she doesn’t clean up her own s***, who does? Does she have a wiper on staff? Anyway, this was all worth it to watch her struggle and pout. “This some bulls***…no, this some horses***,” she whined. Indeed, Tanisha, indeed.
- Sebastian’s Kaycee impression.

After all, who doesn’t love some jazz hands every now and then?

- Nicole’s shirt.

It’s a little weird that the layout is Run-DMC-esque (after all, they weren’t gangsta) — the one I have is in the N.W.A. font. Still, who could argue with the ironic sentiment?
- Internet bash-back.

In group, Rhonda confronted everyone with “bad press” in the form of what were most likely anonymous comments on the Internet. Sebastian summed up online hating directed toward him: “The Internet is some kid in a trailer park going, ‘I want to be in a band, f*** him!’” Really, not everything is about jealousy (there’s a sporting component to mockery), but Seb’s attack on ageism…

…(”If someone doesn’t think I’m hot, guess what? I was 19 once. I’m 41 now. It’s gonna happen to you too, motherf***er!”) was totally dead-on.
- Bobby’s philosophy.

The most impressive results of this exercise involved Kevin owning up to some of the gossip out there (”I was a f***in’ lazy bum and sat around the house and didn’t do anything for a long time”) and Bobby’s extremely down-to-earth take on being a discussed personality: “That’s what we get into this business for, for people to talk about us, people to remember who we are, what we are. So, as long as you spell my name right, I’m cool.”
It seems as though he’s come a long way from his “why don’t they just let me live” days. Our guy is growing up right before our eyes. Love this man.
- The resolution to this comment-reading.
Rhonda then had all of the celebs make up their own gossip headlines to reclaim their stories in a light agreeable to them:

I don’t know what I love more: the fact that Sebastian used this opportunity to plug his work, or that it made it to air two months too late.
- Bobby’s excuse.
Bobby crapped out of a workout led by walking/swimming/running/living inspiration, Sarah Reinertsen.

His excuse for jumping ship and having to be driven to the end of their running path?

“I got a Charlie horse in my knee!” Oh, and there was also, “It’s a hernia that keeps popping out here!”

Someone get this guy a medical degree (or maybe an explorer badge), ’cause he’s making trailblazing discoveries of things that never before were discovered where he’s discovering them. Really, you could have told that this would go badly from the start…

…just by looking at his face when the challenge was announced.
- Kevin’s confrontation with his past (at last!).

Obviously, Shar and Kevin have been dancing around each other and their history for this entire season. It was extremely cathartic, then, for Rhonda to sit Kevin down, explain the toll Shar’s association with him has taken on her life and career, and say the words: “Part of the public’s problem is it’s hard to like you when there’s no remorse. You haven’t said what you need to say.” Look, Kevin’s emerged from this show as a likable figure (certainly more so than ever in his career), but let’s not lose our heads to love. Sometimes everyone needs their ass handed to them.
- The results.
Jay’s goal was 4 lbs. – he lost it.

He has now surpassed his goal for the season!
Kevin’s goal was 4 lbs. – he lost 2.

Nicole’s goal was 3 lbs. – she lost 5.

Kaycee’s goal was 3 lbs. – she lost 2.

Shar’s goal was 3 lbs. – she lost 1.

Sebastian’s goal was 4 lbs. – he lost 1.

Bobby’s goal was 4 lbs. – he lost 2.

Tanisha’s self-imposed goal was 5 lbs. – she lost it!

The team breakdowns are:

The spread has widened considerably…but not for the two individuals with the highest Fit Factor points…

…they’re neck-and-neck as always. Harvey calls this an “old-fashioned dog fight,” but I think it’s more a new-fangled one. Mostly, I want to see them play tug o’ war using only their teeth.

La prima cosa che abbiamo amato di questo episodio?
-La Montagna.
Quasi tutti sulla pista di Harvey si sn stremati, hanno scalato una collina e l hanno scesa..
In realtà,Tanisha singhiozzava..Pero le ha fatto un sacco di bene,anke se e finita in ultima posizione..
Tany si e sentita il peso morto del team e infatti svolge il compito di punizione che consiste di trasportare sterco di cavallo..Lei aggiunge:"Sono un diva, non pulisco il mio s ***..Tu vuoi che io pulisco quello dei cavalli?" Questo era molto divertente, e anche ... sconcertante.
Se lei non pulisce la propria m***a, che fa?ha un tergicristallo personale? "Questa è di alcuni tori ... no, questo di cavalli ***," piagnucolando svolge il compito..Rhonda riuscisce il gruppo,affronta cn tutti la "cattiva stampa" sotto forma di commenti anonimi su Internet.Lasciando commentare a tutti loro e lasciandoli esprimere aprendosi..
- Kevin fa un confronto con il suo passato (finalmente!).
Ovviamente,parlando di Shar e Kevin che in questa stagione si e girato intorno l uno all altro e alla loro storia..E 'stato molto catartico,dunque Rhonda fa spiegare Kevin cose della sua vita e su shar..."Kevin e emerso da questo spettacolo come una figura simpatica (sicuramente più della sua carriera), ma non perdiamo la testa. A volte tutti hanno bisogno di culo.
- I risultati.
Jay le 4 libbre le ha perse
Ha ormai superato il suo obiettivo per la stagione!
il goal di Kevin era di 4 libbre. -ma ne ha perso 2.
Nicole obiettivo 3 libbre. - Ha perso 5.
Kaycee obiettivo era di 3 libbre. - Ha perso 2.
Shar obiettivo era di 3 libbre. - Ha perso 1.
goal di Sebastian era di 4 libbre. - Ha perso 1.
Bobby il gol era di 4 libbre. - Ha perso 2.
obiettivo imposto di Tanisha era di 5. - E li ha persi!
Fit Factor punti...
... Sono collo-a-collo come sempre. Harvey definisce questa una "lotta vecchio stile". Per lo più,voglio vederli giocare e farsi la guerra usando solo i denti.