martedì 16 marzo 2010

Celebrity Fit Club: Boot Camp Recap - Episode 6 - 10 Things We Loved About This Week’s Show

Aw. But we’ve barely said hello!
The first thing we loved about this week’s show turned that frown upside down:
- Bobby’s return.
After fretting…

…and packing his bags…

…and bidding adieu…

…Bobby Brown left boot camp to play some concert in Europe that posed a conflict to the CFC shooting schedule. It was all sadness and infuriation (the latter is especially so in reference to Jay, who hasn’t stopped handing Bobby his un-worked-out ass to him), but then magic happened:

…Bobby came running back and promptly botched his team’s lead in the challenge, losing this week’s Fit Factor points for them and earning the title of dead weight.

At this point he must have wondered if he should have even bothered coming back. Don’t get me wrong: I’m glad he did (anytime Bobby Brown is on my TV, it’s a good thing), but the triumph of his return took a major nosedive. I mean, like Bobby himself while attempting to manage the hay-bail hurdles, it barely even got off the ground.
- This:

- Tanisha’s team’s reaction to that:

Of course, far be it from anyone to react to something more dramatically than Tanisha who literally collapsed after the parachute pull…

She remained unresponsive for a good minute after falling to the ground, worrying…no one. That’ll teach them to force her to force herself against hurricane-level winds!
- Tennis-balling.

The agility section of this week’s challenge found Shar and Kaycee attempting to collect flags in a field while Harvey pelted them with tennis balls via a laucher. While this fun to watch…

…it was obviously more fun to do…

Oh, and note above how Kevin has about half of his head in his jacket, clearly because he didn’t want to see Shar get pelted. That’s sweet. By the end of the challenge…

…Kevin had lost his head entirely. On one hand, that poses many challenges. On the other, this week’s weigh-in was destined to be the best ever.
- Sebastian’s new ‘do.

Look who got a makeover! I’m not sure if he got both a weave and a treatment (as prescribed by Tanisha), but it was at least the latter. Upgrade y/y?
- Nicole’s new ‘do.

All she needs is the beer cans and she is her own Lady Gaga video.
- Dance-off!
Even though Sebastian was all…

…at the prospect. It ended up being all kinds of awesome:


…right back atcha, Seb!
- Jay’s intimate encounters…
Not only did he practically slick the floor down drooling over Joshua Allen…

…he then found himself in very close contact with Sergio “The Latin Snake” Mora.

Sergio kept telling Jay to “come closer” before they boxed much to Jay’s discomfort/obvious delight. And really, since Jay spent so much time closeted, it’s nice to see him at absolute terms with his sexuality. His match was punctuated by a punch on the ass from Sergio…

It’s not a snake but it’ll do. This counts as action, right?
- Foxy boxing.

This is technique (and, given Kevin’s close proximity, possible revenge-fantasizing).
- The results.
Kevin’s goal was 3 lbs.; that’s exactly what he lost.

Tanisha’s goal was 4 lbs.; she lost 1.

Shar’s goal was 3 lbs.; that’s what she lost.

Sebastian’s goal was 4 lbs.; he lost 1.

Bobby’s goal was 4 lbs.; he lost 0.

Kaycee’s goal was 3 lbs.; she lost 4.

Nicole’s goal was 3 lbs.; she (yikes!) gained 3

And, Jay’s goal was 4 lbs.; he lost 7.

This put him in first place…

…with Kevin immediately behind him.

The team scores, too, are extremely tight:

…which is kind of the best thing about the often disappointing results of this season. The disappointing is neck-and-neck!
I want also to point out the best, quote of the episode. This one’s just ahead of Shar’s “I worked out like a crackhead” — it edges that one out because of its eroticism. Regarding the wake-up calls that Bobby set up with Harvey and then refused to take, Harvey said, “Are you dagonne gonna f*** me in the ass and not even give me a reach around or something?”

For shame, Bobby. For shame. Next time you’re in that situation think to yourself, what would Sergio do?


Ma abbiamo appena detto ciao!
La prima cosa che abbiamo amato dello show di questa settimana è:
-Ritorno di Bobby.
... fare le valigie ...
... E addio ...
... Bobby Brown ha lasciato il campo per alcuni concerti in Europa,che pone un conflitto con il calendario della ripresa di CFC. Era tutto triste, ma poi la magia è accaduta:
... Bobby torna di corsa e subito ha fallito nella sfida x la sua squadra..Perdere punti in questa settimana in Fit Factor e guadagnarsi il titolo di peso morto, si deve essersi chiesto se avrebbe dovuto prendersi la briga di ritornare..Non fraintendetemi: io sono contento che lo ha fatto (in qualsiasi momento Bobby Brown fa spettacolo ed è una buona cosa), ma il trionfo del suo ritorno ha avuto una caduta verticale.Voglio dire,Bobby stesso durante il tentativo di gestire il fieno a ostacoli a stento lo ha fatto x poi crollare.Questa settimana la prova era suddivisa in tante sfide e Tanisha e letteralmente crollata dopo la prima cn il paracadute..Rimase senza sensi per un minuto dopo essere caduta a terra, preoccupando tutti..La seconda prova: - Tennis-Balling e ci sn Shar e Kaycee che si sfidano nel tentativo di raccogliere le bandiere in un campo, mentre Harvey sparava con delle palle da tennis attraverso un lanciagranate..Questo e stato molto divertente da guardare..
Si nota in precedenza Kevin che a circa metà della testa nella sua giacca, perché evidentemente non voleva vedere Shar prendere colpi..Dopo ce jay che sbava mentre balla Joshua Allen ma nn solo anke cn il boxer Sergio,e molto a disagio quanto lui si avvicina..E bello vederlo star bn cn la sua sessualità,la sua sfida è stata caratterizzata da un pugno sul culo da Sergio..Tutto il gruppo va sulla bilancia jay va al primo posto cn la perdita di 7 lbs seguito da kevin ma ce un colpo di scena nicole prende 3 lbs in più e bobby nn ne perde nemmeno una..La squadra blu vince ma bobby si deve vergognare dopo le parole di harvey che lo istiga dicendogli la prossima volta che ti trovi in questa situazione pensa a te stesso..

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